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Talking is Communicating February 3rd, 2021

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

When we talk we try to send a message to the receiver/s about a certain thing. Communication is key in building relationships and keeping them, which is why talking matters a lot. Each one of us communicates through different channels and has different characteristics of communication. Different people have different linguistic styles. Some talk orally, some others communicate virtually or with gestures like facial expressions. No matter the channel we use, we still are communicating. Talking matters a lot especially if you are coming from a different background with a different culture, background and especially language. While the presenters today mentioned the importance of culture in communication I remembered one of my supervisors who was a loud person and we all at work thought that he was mad all the time. But actually this was his way of talking and it did not have to do with any of his emotional status. This is to say that communicating, talking and bringing things up can also save many relationships in any kind of context.

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