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How Fear Leads to Silence February 10th, 2021

When I first came to Canada I experienced some kind of fear which for the first months it took me some effort to break that ice. I think it happens to many people when they move to a whole different culture than theirs, and the same thing happened in my case. The environment that I experienced this "emotional state" the most was my workplace. To specify, the main reason why I feared to express my opinion was because of the fact that there would be an misunderstanding. Also, my workplace at that time was very diverse which made me somewhat more closed. As a result, I had the tendency of not speaking up because of all those reasons. However, this happens a lot of times in our school environment as well, lots of students do not answer most of the times because they fear that they are wrong. However, I would say that knowing your power, no matter in what environment, might be family, workplace, or school, it helps you realize that speaking up is a right. As I became more familiar with the workplace and the team members, that definitely gave me confidence and opened me up more. Confidence is a great attribute that helps combat the fear within us and break the silence.

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