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Crises Comms March 29th, 2021.

Facial expressions and gestures are key indicators in showing when we are going through a crises communications. Now with Covid it can be easier or sometimes harder to hide them. Crises communications are situations in which everyone goes through in their life, mainly in workplace environments. From my experience, I have gone through upward conflict with one of the leaders at my job. When I got hired, everything looked great and welcoming. However though, as a full-time student my availability was limited but there were cases when they would call me in for work during my class times. Obviously, I chose to attend the classes instead, and what I got as a return was that my shift hours were being reduced week by week. I brought this up to the management team, however there was no follow up about this situation and as a result I had to apply to another job which fit my needs at that time as a student.

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