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Conflict Process March 8th, 2021

The quote in the picture that I have attached to this post is one of the best ways to describe why conflict happens in the first place. "We fight, not because we truly disagree, but rather because we fail to understand one another"-Douglas E Rice. Understanding the reasons that might have led one to conflict with another person is the main step to take in order to resolve that conflict. Often times I would say that it is in our human nature to become defensive right away and not analyze the roots of the conflict and that comes also as a result of lack of communication with the other side. In that case we fail to see where the other person we are in conflict with, is coming from. Before entering in any kind of conflict process, we should also acknowledge the impact that that conflict would have later on, if it will be constructive or deconstructive.

As discussed in the class, most of the conflicts that I have experienced have been more constructing than destructing, specifically in the workplace. I think that conflicts can be both positive and negative at the same time but they are needed to happen in order for us to know ourselves and others better.

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